Петар Јовановић, Ђорђе Симић, Лука Арсеновић, Анастасија Кнежевић,
ОШ „Вера Благојевић“, Бања Ковиљача, Република Србија.
Ментор: Мирјана Михок
Petar Jovanovi’ is a second grade student. He´s eight years old.
He loves football and he is also very good at drawing. This year he tried to write poems and short stories.
He loves learning new things.
Đorđe Simić is eight years old and is a second grade student.
He´s an A student. He´s very successful at all school subjects. He loves sport and games.
He loves telling poems and acting. This year he started writing poems and liked it a lot.
Luka Arsenović is seven years old. He is in the second grade.
He loves sport, especially table tennis. He tried to write poems and become very successful at it.
He says that writing poems makes him happy and proud of himself.
Anastasija Knežević is eight and she´s a second grade student.
She loves all children´s games with an elastic band. She is very good at this game.
She´s also very good at drawing. She has a quite nature and writing poems helps her to express herself.