Dete se rodilo, sin nam je dat

Rođenje deteta donosi najveću sreću I ratost u živote njegovih roditelja. Ono je rođeno iz ljubavi dvoje ljudi koji dobijanjem deteta imaju razlog da žive I daju sve od sebe da obrazuju, vole I ukažu na pravi put svom sinu ili ćerki.

Kada govorimo o ONOM detetu, rođenom pre više od 2000 godina, to dete nije bilo samo dete svojih roditelja,već svih ljudi koji postoje na planeti Zemlji. To je dete bilo otelotvorenje tri najvrednijih I najvažnijih vrlina koje drže ljude na okupu,a te vrline su, svakako, vera, ljubav I nada. Zbog toga, ovo dete bilo je voljeno I slavljeno gdegod je odlazilo, jer to dete je bilo niko drugi do sam Isus Hrist. Od samog početka razlog njegovog postojanja bio očigledan. Ljudima je bio potreban neko kome će verovati, neko ko bi ih spasao njigovih grehova I zlonamernih dela, a on je bio tu, da izleči bolesne, da nahrani gladne, da oprosti neoprostivo.

Mali Isus, rođen u štali te hladne večeri postao je mučenik, rođen u ljudskom obliku kako bi video I iskusio patnju, borbu I bol sa kojom su se ljudi suočavali I posvetio je svoj skromni život širenju I propovedanju Hrižćanstva među ljudima nudeći im spas u njemu. Ljudima koji su dolazili da ga vide, on je bio svetlost u tami, nada za očaj, ljubav za mržnju. Skupine ljudi su znale da prepoznaju njegovu žrtvu zarad celokupnog čovečanstva I odabrale ga vođom koji bi im pokazao pravi put do večnosti. Zauzvrat, Isus je pokazao bezuslovnu ljubav prema svakom pojedincu I bio je odlučan u ispunjenju svoje misije, uvek donoseći hrišćanske vrednosti, mir,ali I snagu, ukazujući na činjenicu da je sve moguće, samo ako se u to veruje. Do večne slave se dolazi samo ako su nam srca I duše čiste I nevine. Hrist je jos ukazivao I na to da je skromnost vrlina koje itekako treba da budemo svesni. Danas, svi mi stremimo ka bogatstvu, novcu I moći, ali ono što nam je On očajnički pokušavao ukazati jeste da prava snaga leži u svima nama, da je ona u ljubavi, veri, nadi I praštanju. Ako imamo sve te vrednosti, onda nam ništa više nije potrebno. Ipak, Hrist nije bio dovoljno cenjen među onima koji nisu želeli da vide kakva je ličnost on bio među običnim ljudima. Bio je osuđen da umre užasnom smrću, razapet na krstu, u agoniji, trpeći neopisivu bol, ali, ipak, branio je krivce koji su naredili ovu užasnu kaznu, izgovarajući reči koje mi nikada ne bi smeli da dozvolimo da padnu u zaborav:’’ Oče, oprosti im, ne znaju šta rade’’. Zbog njega ,ali I zbog nas, trebalo bi da hrabro ustanemo I sledimo put Isusa Hrista koji je on svojom krvlju sagradio za sve nas. Samo tada, njegova misija I žrtva neće biti uzaludna.

Hvalimo Hrista, jer on slavi nas sa Nebeskog kraljevstva! Amin!

Jefimija Najdic, 17 years old, Vranje, Serbia


My name is Jefimija Najdic and I’m 17 years old. I attend high school „Bora Stankovic“ in Vranje, Serbia. I live with my parents, my father is an artist and my mother is an English teacher.                                                       I am interested in science, literature and art. I like to participate in many different competitions such as National competition in biology, Olympics in literature and I have also solved multiple tasks for the magazine in physics.

I’m into sport, especially basketball and I am a captain of our school team. I also care about environment, so I have joined ecological club in school.

A child was born, a Son was given to us


Giving birth to a child brings the greatest joy and happiness to lives of its parents. It is born out of  love of two people who, by having a child, have an opportunity to do their best to educate, love and show the right path to their daughter or a son.

When we speak of THE child born more than two thousand years ago, that child was not only the child to its parents, but to all the people existing on the face of the Earth! That child was the embodiment of the three most valuable and important virtues that kept people together throughout all these years, and those values are, by all means, faith, love and hope. Therefore, this child, the son to all of us, was loved and praised wherever he went ,because it was nobody else but Jesus Christ himself! From the very beginning, the reason for his existance was more than obvious. People desperately needed somebody to believe in, somebody who would save them from sins and mischievous deeds, and there he was, to heal the sick, to feed the hungry, to forgive the unforgiven. Baby Jesus, born in a stable on that cold night became the martyr, born in a man’s shape only to experience and see all the suffering, struggle and pain people were dealing with and he devoted his humble life in spreading  and teaching Christianity among people offering salvation in it. And to people who were coming there to see him, he was the light in the darkness, hope for despair, love for hatred. The crouds knew to recognize his sacrifice for the sake of all the mankind  and chose him a leader who would show them the right way to eternity. In return, Jesus showed the unconditional love for every single person and he was determined in fulfilling his mission, always bringing christian values, peacefulness, but strenth as well, pointing out that everything was possible if you believed in it.  Eternal glory would be gained only if people’s hearts and souls were pure and innocent. Furthermore, modesty was a virtue we should all be aware of. Nowadays, we all strive for wealth, money and power, but what Jesus  desperately wanted to show us was that the true power lies in all of us , that the true power is in love, faith, hope and forgiveness. If we have all those values, we need nothing else. And, yet, he was not appreciated enough among those who did not want to see what figure Jesus was with common people. He was sentenced to die by horrible death, standing crucified on the cross, in agony, induring  the enormous pain, and still, he defended the culpits who ordered this terrible sentence, saying words we should never allow ourselves to forget ,“Forgive them, father, for they don’t know what they are doing“. And, for his sake and for our own sake , we should stand tall and follow the path Jesus bulit in blood  for all of us. Only then his mission and sacrifice would not be in vain.

Praise the Lord, for he praises us all from the Kingdom of Heaven! Amen!

Jefimija Najdic

A child was born, 2017-А